If you want to run aapt read apk file information:

STEP 1: Download aapt-linux build-tool at https://androidaapt.com/
STEP 2: Copy the entire lib64 folder to usr/lib64 on centos
STEP 3: Copy the aapt file to the usr/bin directory and then chmod +x aapt (755)
Example reading file version:

aapt dump badging myApp.apk | gawk $'match($0, /versionName=\'([^\']*)\'/, v) { print v[1] }'

Example reading file package name:

aapt dump badging myApp.apk| gawk $'match($0, /package: name=\'([^\']*)\'/, v) { print v[1] }'

In your script (my example is PHP):

$appVersion = shell_exec("aapt dump badging myApp.apk | gawk $'match($0, /versionName=\'([^\']*)\'/, v) { print v[1] }'";
echo $appVersion;

We have many information in APK:

aapt dump badging myApp.apk
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