Category: MQTT

  • Download and config Kafka MQTT Connector

    After Install Kafka… Download Kafka MQTT Connector Besure that java and maven were installed. Download: If not working, download from this source: Note: Kafka Connector default port is TCP 8083. It’s conflict Mosquitto default port. We need to change config of Mosquitto (or your broker). Example, I change websocket port from 8083 to 9093:…

  • Install and Config Mosquitto (MQTT broker server)

    MQTT is a super lightweight IoT protocol on TCP/IP with …8 bits header. Send and receive messages with others in “topic” like as a chatroom. Install Mosquitto (MQTT Broker Server) Install MQTT broker on server Create user and password (exp: admin): Sercurity config: Open file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf to add this config to require password when connect:…