These is some commonly used Centos, Rocky (RHEL Linux) commands. You no need to learn more. They are enough to use.


  • ↵: Enter
  • <>: Something can change
  • (): Note

Commonly used Linux (Rocky, Centos, RHEL) commands

  1. reboot ↵ (mean reboot system)
  2. systemctl restart <something> ↵ (restart a program)
  3. systemctl status <something> ↵ (watch working status of a program)
  4. systemctl stop <something> ↵ (stop a program)
  5. kill -9 <number of process ID> ↵ (kill a process by ID)
  6. date ↵ (show current time on machine)
  7. cp <source folder or file address> <destination folder> ↵ (copy file or folder)
  8. mv <source folder or file address> <destination folder> ↵ (move file or folder)
  9. cd <folder name or address, or nothing for current folder> ↵ (go to desk on that folder)
  10. ls -l <folder address> ↵ (listing files, folders on current folder with permission)
  11. rm -f <file name or address> ↵ (remove file)
  12. rm -rf <folder name, or address> ↵ (remove folder)
  13. mkdir <folder name, or address> ↵ (create folder)
  14. cat <file name, or address> ↵ (Show content of this file)
  15. vi <file name, or address> ↵ (Edit content of this file)
  16. curl <url> ↵ (Call an internet address by GET method and return body)
  17. wget <url> ↵ (download file from url to /root)
  18. chown -R username:groupname <file/folder name or address> ↵ (set Owner)
  19. chmod <number> <file/folder name or address> ↵ (set permission)

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